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QuickBooks Error 15221: When Updating Software or Payroll

QuickBooks is an excellent accounting software, but it is ridden with errors. One of them, QuickBooks error 15221, keeps you from downloading and installing the software or payroll updates to your computer. Software and payroll updates are crucial to QuickBooks accounting, and that makes it important to resolve the error.

In this blog, we will explore the reasons for the issue and guide you with different ways to troubleshoot that. Therefore, continue reading.

Reasons for Error Code 15221 in QuickBooks Desktop

Before one can troubleshoot the error, it is important to understand the underlying causes. QuickBooks error 15221 can arise due to various reasons, such as:

  • The antivirus or firewall is blocking QuickBooks from connecting to the server
  • There is damage to the Windows registry, QB program
  • Crucial Microsoft components are either missing, disabled, or damaged
  • QuickBooks Desktop was incompletely installed
  • The internet connection is poor or unstable, or a network timeout has occurred
  • Viruses or malware have infected the system and disk drives
  • A third-party program or security software interrupts the update
  • QuickBooks Desktop doesn’t have a valid digital security certificate

Now that we have an idea of what leads to an update error, let us see how to resolve it.

Steps to Troubleshoot QuickBooks Error 15221 During an Update

Let us now guide you on how to troubleshoot different aspects that can lead to QuickBooks error 15221. Go through the steps listed below and follow the instructions given there.

1. Verify the Time and Date Settings

The time and date on your computer should be correct to download updates from the servers online. If it is not so, you can end up with an error. To check and configure the time and date on a Windows computer:

Now check which time zone is selected, and if it is not correct according to your location, select the correct one. Once you are done, restart the computer, and then install QuickBooks updates.

2. Update Your Operating System

Outdated Windows or MacOS, or an operating system in general, can lead to incompatibility and several other issues with applications like QuickBooks.

  • Open Settings and go to Update & Security, followed by Windows Update.
  • Tap on the Check for Windows Updates button.

If there are updates available, download and install them. Finally, restart the computer and resume QuickBooks updates.

3. Install QuickBooks Digital Security Certificate

You need to have a valid digital security certificate for QuickBooks Desktop to be able to download updates to your computer.

Follow the steps below to install the QuickBooks digital security certificate:

  • Close the QuickBooks application and navigate to this location:
    • C:\Program File\Intuit\QuickBooks
  • Locate QBW32.exe, right-click on it, and choose Properties.
  • Select the Digital Signature tab and check to make sure Intuit is marked.
  • Choose Details followed by View Certificate.
  • Select the Install Certificate option.
  • Choose Next until you see Finish; when you see Finish, select it.

Reboot your computer and then try installing QuickBooks Desktop or the payroll tax table.

4. Configure Windows Firewall

If QuickBooks error 15221 persists, the Windows firewall might be blocking the application from connecting to the internet.

Therefore, you need to create firewall port exceptions for QuickBooks. If you have an antivirus or security software installed, follow the next step. In other cases, you can skip it, restart your computer and resume QB updates.

5. Create QuickBooks Exclusions to Your Antivirus

If you have an antivirus or security software installed on your computer, it can hamper QuickBooks updates in two ways. One, it can block QB programs (executable files) from running, consider them as a threat, and quarantine them. Two, the antivirus firewall might restrict QuickBooks from connecting to the internet.

This is why it is important to create QuickBooks exceptions to antivirus. When you are done, restart the PC and check if the update works fine. If it doesn’t help, clean install QuickBooks Desktop.


We saw various reasons that can interrupt the software or payroll update and lead to QuickBooks error 15221. Moreover, we saw expert-recommended ways to troubleshoot the issue.

However, if you continue to struggle with the update error, speak to a QuickBooks expert at +1(855)-738-0359. They will resolve it for you so that you can resume your accounting operation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is error 15221 in QuickBooks during the update?

QuickBooks error 15221 signifies a problem with the update. This usually arises because of a bad internet connection, an invalid digital security certificate, an outdated operating system, firewall port blockage, a corrupt program, or installation issues etc. 

How do I fix a QuickBooks update error?

Here are some things that you can try to resolve a QuickBooks update error:
1. Set the Time and Date: Check the time and date settings on your computer and make sure the correct timezone is selected.
2. Update the Operating System: Go to the update settings and download and install the operating system updates.
3. Import QuickBooks Digital Certificate: Install a valid QuickBooks digital security certificate to make sure that Windows can verify the updates.
4. Configure Windows Firewall: Configure the Windows firewall and create the firewall port exception for QuickBooks programs. 
5. Create QuickBooks Antivirus Exclusions: Create QuickBooks exclusions to your antivirus to ensure the antivirus doesn’t block QB programs from running or connecting to the internet.

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