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Having QuickBooks Error 248? Fix It Now

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QuickBooks application makes paying your employees simpler as you can directly run their payroll through the application itself. It is very natural to make mistakes while running payroll and one of these mistakes can lead to QuickBooks error 248. It arises when you overpay an employee and taxes have been sent to the government. Although that is not the sole reason for this error as attempting to access a damaged file can also lead to QuickBooks Desktop error 248. 

A paycheck with two lines for withholding is considered damaged, and it is advised to delete it or void it. It could potentially lead to QuickBooks paycheck error 248, but if the overpayment is up to $85.00 you need not worry as it can be applied to the next period and reimburse the employee for underpayment. This means that QuickBooks will automatically reduce the amount of Federal Withholding Tax on your responsibility check on the following paycheck.  

If you want to delete a paycheck, these are the steps you need to follow:- 

  1. Open the Transaction and tap on Delete.
  2. Click on OK to confirm the action.

You are required to rebuild your company file once this step is completed and then create a backup of your company file.

Troubleshooting Steps to Fix QuickBooks Enterprise Error 248

There are two different reasons for QuickBooks desktop error 248 and you can fix it using two different methods. If you are facing this error while trying to access a damaged file, you are required to use the rebuild utility from your application. You need to create a separate expense if it is an overpaid Error 248. Here are the steps you need to follow in both cases:- 

Steps to Fix QuickBooks Rebuild Error 248

QuickBooks Verify and Rebuild utility help find out the damage in the company file and then fix it. Follow these steps below to fix QuickBooks Company file error 248:- 

  1. Go to the File tab and then Utilities. Click on Verify Data. If you see:-
    • “QuickBooks detected no problems with your data,” you need not follow any other steps. 
    • “Your data has lost integrity,” shows that the file has data damage. To fix the problem, follow the steps below to Rebuild Data.
  1. Go on the File tab and go to Utilities again, tap on Rebuild Data. 
  2. A warning window will appear, advising you to back up your company file; click OK. Before a rebuild, a company file backup is required since the process may need to delete transactions or list entries to fix the file in rare situations. A backup of your company file ensures that you have a secure copy of your company file before making any modifications.
  3. Choose a location for your backup and then click OK at the bottom of the QuickBooks Desktop Backup window. 
  4. If a message appears asking if you wish to replace a backup file, choose NO. In the File name field, type a new name and save it.
  5. The Rebuild Data program launches as soon as the backup is complete, 
  6. Tap on OK when you see the message “Rebuild has completed”
  7. Now run Verify data again from File to Utilities and then Verify Data.
  8. If it detects any more damage, you would be required to manually fix it. Reach out to experts for guidance and simple solutions. 
  9.   If you can’t find your problem, try restoring a recent backup. Select File and then Restore.

Important:- Ensure that you are not overwriting the existing company file. After you restore the company file, you must manually reenter any information that has been entered since the backup was made.

Steps To Fix QuickBooks Overpaid Error 248

You are required to create a new item account if QuickBooks error 248 is occurring because of overpayment of payroll taxes or overpayment to an employee. These are the steps you need to follow in order to fix it:- 

  • Open your application and go on to the List section. 
  • Now tap on the Payroll List option and choose New Item. 
  • Click on the Customer setup option and then on Next to process further.
  • Now you need to give the item you want to add to QuickBooks a name.
  • Select an account you think is right to link the item.
  • Select None for the Tax Tracking Type option and click on Next twice.
  • Then tap on Neither and then Next
  • Enter the amount that you Overpaid and click on Finish to. 

Looking For More Help to Fix QuickBooks Error 248?

So now we hope that you know what shall be done when you run into QuickBooks Desktop Error 248. If you are still stuck with this error despite following all the instructions, the next logical step is to reach out to experts at Asquare Cloud Hosting Helpline Number as they can guide you in a better manner.   

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