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How To Create QuickBooks Portable Company File? [Explained]

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Are you looking for a way that can help you share your accounting data or move it to another computer? If yes, then you must try to create a portable company file. Well, it is a compact version of your company file that’s small enough to send in an email or put on a USB. It only contains the financial information that needs to be shared with your accountant. Other data like images, logos, templates, and letters are removed from the file to reduce its size. If your Portable Company file is still bigger than 25MB, then you can use online file-sharing services like Dropbox or Share File for secured data sharing. However, if you want to create a QuickBooks portable company file, then you must proceed to the next section of this blog.

Steps To Create And Open A Portable Company File

Below we have listed the steps by following which you would be able to create and open QuickBooks portable company file to quickly move your data or fix issues.

Step 1: Update QuickBooks

Before you start to create QuickBooks portable company file, make sure to update QuickBooks desktop as per the latest release. Moreover, you can either update your accounting application either automatically or manually. If you turn on Automatic Updates, QuickBooks downloads and installs the latest updates when they’re available. However, if you want to install the updates on your own, then, you must check for updates at least once a month.

Step 2: Consider creating a backup

QuickBooks desktop portable company files are a great alternative when it comes to sharing or moving your accounting data. Also, it doesn’t ask you to create a full backup. But, it’s essential for one to know that a portable company file isn’t a replacement for a full backup. It’s because it doesn’t include your message templates, logos, images, templates, .tlg or .log files, Loan Manager, Statement Writer, or Fixed Asset Manager files. Therefore, you must create a backup of your company files to keep it secure. However, if you want to send your data to your accountant, then you can create and send the accountant’s copy in QuickBooks Desktop.

Step 3: Create QuickBooks portable company file

  • Open QuickBooks application and then log in as an admin.
  • Now, go to the File menu and select Create Copy option followed by Portable company file and Next.
  • Name your portable company file as it becomes easy to differentiate it from your regular company file.
  • After that, select a preferred location to save your portable company file. Pick somewhere that’s easy to find, like your Windows desktop.
  • Once ready, click on Save followed by OK.
  • By now, you will have a portable company file that you can send online or put on a USB. The file will look like this: [Unique company file name].qbm.

Note: One will be able to access everything you have in the file once you give the portable copy to somebody. Moreover, it’s password protected and one would require the credentials for opening the file.

Read more: 2022 QuickBooks cannot use the path to open the company File 

Step 4: Open portable company file in QuickBooks Desktop

Follow the below-given steps to open a portable version of your company file:

  • Open QuickBooks application and log in as an admin.
  • Now, go to the File menu and select Open or Restore Company> Restore a portable file> Next.
  • Further, select your portable company file. It should look like this: [Unique company file name].qbm. Then select Open.

Important: Make sure to not use the same name for your portable and regular company file. Also, if you save them in the same folder, the portable file will overwrite the regular one. Therefore, you can either rename the portable company file, or save it to a different folder.

  • After that, you have to read the notes on the Where do you want to restore the file page, and click Next.
  • At last, click Save when you’re ready to open your file.

QuickBooks automatically re-indexes your data once you open your portable company file.

Read More: Top Fixes For QuickBooks Company File Not Found Error? | Solved

Let Experts Help You With QuickBooks Portable Company File!

We hope the above-listed steps would have helped you create QuickBooks Portable Company File without much trouble. However, if you come across any issue while creating or opening the portable file, then we would suggest you to reach out to experts by giving us a call on Asquare Cloud Hosting Helpline Number at +1.855.738.0359

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